About the Site

The Ohio FAFSA Completion Dashboard is a collaborative effort of the Ohio Department of Higher Education, the Ohio Department of Education & Workforce, and the Management Council. The dashboard’s purpose is to inform parents and students, journalists, and educational leaders on current state and local school district performance on FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) completion.

The Ohio FAFSA Dashboard is one component of a larger FAFSA completion effort in the State of Ohio that includes the itsforyou.org website explaining why parents, students, and educational supporters should prioritize FAFSA completion, as well as OhioFAFSA.org providing resources for local school official including guidance counselors who help drive FAFSA completion.


Our Data Approach

The Ohio FAFSA Completion Dashboard displays publicly available school district FAFSA completion data obtained from Federal Student Aid (FSA). Completion counts are updated monthly when published by FSA, typically within one week.

Grade 12 headcount/enrollment data published by the Ohio Department of Education & Workforce is utilized for the denominator when calculating the completion percentage for each district. The Ohio Department of Education & Workforce collects these data each October and publishes it the following January. We use the latest available data.

The FAFSA completion percentage is calculated using the number of completed FAFSA’s, as reported by FSA, divided by the number of students in grade 12, as reported by the Ohio Department of Education & Workforce.

Have a question or concern? Please contact support@ohiofafsa.org